To the Window, to the Wall

[caption id="attachment_940" align="alignnone" width="1000"]SideBySide-WIndowtotheWall Manspiration:[/caption] I really dig the relaxed fit of my new Tropic Harbour sleeveless band tee. A tomboy summer staple, paired with denim shorts and a plaid shirt around the waist will keep you looking super cool this season. WindowtotheWall-Brittni-3 WindowtotheWall-Brittni-1 WindowtotheWall-Brittni-7 WindowtotheWall-Brittni-4 WindowtotheWall-Brittni-2 WindowtotheWall-Brittni-5 The shorts and plaid shirt are Joe Fresh, and the backpack is Herschel Supply.

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  • Would like to purchase one of the Tropic Harbor tees. Where would I be able to order one?

    • Sue Fulmore
  • Hey Sue,
    They are our friend Mark’s Band T shirts. Im not sure if they are available online or just at his bands shows. But I would message him directly on Facebook. The band page is
    Ill give him a heads up that you’ll be messaging :D

    Good luck!

    • Meg