Modelling is Hard (Our Blooper Reel)

I can't believe how hard I judged those girls on America's Next Top Model. Yes modelling is hard. Brittni and I have no prior knowledge or experience modelling so we're realizing every day how hard it actually is to not look like a giant dork on camera. The way I best communicate is through sitcom references, so enjoy this from the amazing 30 Rock. [embed][/embed] Although Britt and I always manage to find the shot… Please enjoy our blooper reel. [caption id="attachment_691" align="aligncenter" width="683"]Thumbs up for forgetting to look at the camera. Thumbs up for forgetting to look at the camera.[/caption] britt mefunny [caption id="attachment_663" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]That time I resembled Baloo from jungle book instead of a model. That time I resembled Baloo from jungle book instead of a model.[/caption] I have learned a valuable lesson in my 9 months of fashion blogging. Understanding how your body moves & looks are things that do actually take practice, and much trial & error. Practicing your face and body in a mirror is important. As is a patient photographer who doesn't mind telling you how weird you look (thanks babe).

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