Our sexy AF Prime Minister Ok lets get this one out there first. Really? Look at this man. He's a proud feminist, yogi and enjoys cuddling panda bears. Like honestly what else can I say. Justin Treadeu, you're a champ. The People Canadians are pretty great people. We open our homes and hearts to those in need without a second thought. Canadians are known for being some of the friendliest in the world and we can't agree more.
Healthcare Our government really cares about our physical and mental well being. We get more vacation time and holidays then other North Americans and our healthcare system is free and top tier. Sports There is nothing quite like gathering in your local pub during the Olympics or Stanley Cup finals to watch your country compete with pride. Hockey hosers are a fun loveable bunch who know how to have a good time.
Nature We have some of the most beautiful spots on earth - and we use them! Getting away to the lake or mountains for the weekend is a common activity for Canadians anytime of the year.
Food Aside from the fact that we eat nearly 60% more Kraft Dinner then Americans (about half of that figure is me alone) We are known for some truly delicious food such as poutine, maple syrup, nanimo bars and the classic Canadian cocktail - The Caesar.
Local brands Canada is home to some of the best clothing companies, big and small. We love Roots, Simons, Peau De Loup, New Classic Studios, Noul, Frank & Oak, and of course Flannel Foxes ;)
4 Seasons We get 4 very distinct seasons here. Our temperatures range from 30 degrees in the summer to -50 degrees in the winter (yes really) Our autumns are beautiful and colourful and our springs are sunny and lovely. I can't imagine living in a place where it was summer all of the time, though we sure take advantage of it when it is here! Liberal minded We've been a long time supporter of gay marriage, welcoming refugees and strict access to weapons. Our prime minster is also working towards legalizing marijuana. We're happy to live in such a safe, happy, welcoming land.
Santa is Canadian While we've always claimed him as ours, it was made official in 2010 that Santa is a Canadian citizen. And, every winter when Canadian children write letters to Santa, they get a letter back from some of Santa's happy helpers. Happy 149th Birthday Canada! We love you!